3 Tips For Acing Aptitude Tests Involving Mathematics And Calculations When You Have ADHD

The inability to concentrate and focus is a problem that plagues over 4% of American adults over the age of 18. ADHD symptoms can prevent you from doing your best when taking aptitude tests involving mathematics and calculations. It's easy for the numbers and equations to get jumbled up within your head. The following 3 tips can help you keep ADHD symptoms under control, so you can finally show off your skills and understanding of the many concepts you are being tested on.

Jot Down Important Equations When You Sit Down

To prevent the equations from getting jumbled up in your head, take some time after you sit down for the test to jot down all of the important equations that you will be using, as well as any variables or concepts that you should know. For example, if you'll be tested on math concepts involved with chemistry, you might need to know off of the top of your head that Avogadro's number is 6.022140857 x 10²³.

By jotting down all of the important equations and constants that you'll need to know, you'll be able to avoid getting confused in the long run. You'll also feel less pressured during the test, as you've already written down all that you need to know while it's still fresh in your memory.

Highlight or Color Code Important Numbers

Don't underestimate the power of color. When reading through complicated questions, use highlighters to draw attention to important numbers or to parts of the question that need to be addressed. In particular, highlight all of the variables that are provided, as well as what the question is asking.

Further organize all of your equations using colored pens. Tackle complicated questions by dividing them into smaller parts. You'll be less likely to feel overwhelmed.  

Write Each Step Out

When your mind is running all over the place, it's easy for you to get lost in the questions or for you to make small mistakes in your calculations. Don't do the math in your head even if it seems simple or if you're just calculating a small part of the equation. Instead, write each step out no matter how small or how simple it may seem, so that you can easily review it later. This will make it easier to catch small mistakes in the calculations.

On the same note, don't hesitate to ask for more paper and to use as much space as you need. Write each step out slowly. Don't rush. You'll feel like you have more control.


If you're struggling with ADHD, you'll need to put in more effort to prepare for your aptitude tests in order to make sure that you are able to showcase what you have learned and what you know without making small errors and mistakes.
